Buddhist Retreat

INDIA 2025

October 4-11 2025

Lama Tashi Norbu & Coach Loes Koot will lead a retreat in Bodh Gaya, India

A Holy place of pilgrimage for Buddhists from all over the world.

At this sacred place we offer a week full of spirituality, reflection, art and beauty. The basis of the week is the Mahabodhi Temple.

We also visit the many beautiful temples and statues scattered throughout Bodh Gaya, we take walks through the beautiful landscape and visit inspiring places. Join us on an adventure, Lama Tashi will translate life themes from his deep knowledge of Buddhism to current life.

He will share his paintings with us and participants are invited to create art with Lama Tashi.

Coach Loes Koot will guide an inner journey by means of group sharing circles. Conversations; Constellations; through systemic work and writing exercises, she takes participants on a journey through the inner wheel of life and story.

With guest teachings from various lamas and monks.


Lama Tashi Norbu will be offering Tibetan Sacred Tattoos on the retreat. A very special way to anoint your personal Buddhist mantra into your spiritual practice, based on the sacred Tibetan astrological system Lama Tashi finds your personal Buddha and Buddhist mantra for your spiritual growth and empowerment throughout lifetimes.

Do you also feel the call to visit this special country under our guidance?

Reserve your spot today

only 3 spots left !

If you’d like more information you can email the organizers loes.koot@icoaching.nl and info@lamatashinorbu.org together.

This does not obligate you to anything, but you will then be invited to a meeting in the spring of 2025 in which Tashi and Loes will go into further detail and you can meet other participants.

Costs & Lodging

Lodging, on-site transportation and meals are included. Costs are €1750 and flight to Bodh Gaya is not included. We can refer a local travel agent to you to help this process with ease.

Email loes.koot@icoaching.nl and indicate that you are interested. You will then be invited to a meeting in the spring of 2025 in which Lama Tashi and Coach Loes will go into further detail and you can meet other participants.

Data & locatie Data: 4 tot en met 11 oktober 2025 Locatie: India, Bodh Gaya https://icoaching.nl/india-retraite-bodh-gaya/

Reserve your ticket today